Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Getting Started...

Yesterday I started my weight-loss plan. I took pictures (which I will post once I have ones showing that I have lost weight!) and all of my measurements. Generally in the days before I have started a diet or weight-loss plan, I feel the need binge on all the things I think I am going to be "deprived" of and I fully expected that this past weekend. But it never came. I never felt the need! I am taking this as a good sign. I think I finally have my mind, my heart and my body ready. I am finally going to do it this time!

For exercise, I am doing a 7-month couch to 5K program. Since this is just four days a week and a walking/running program, I feel I need more...something that will target different areas over the week. For this I am going to do The Biggest Loser 30-Day Jump Start workout program, followed by The Biggest Loser Last Chance workout program. These two will get me through the first 60 days and after that I will decide based on where I need even more improvement. I see Exercise TV On Demand really coming in handy!

I am not planning on any real diet. I am just going to focus on making healthy choices and portion control. Portion control is going to be huge to for me. And I know I can do it! I didn't want to do anything that when I go off it, the weight comes back. After much thought on my part, I have decided that the way for me to be successful is to change my relationship with food and the amounts. This is how I will be successful. I am also hoping to begin the Weight Watchers at home program here in about a month. This way I can eat what I want, but have to stay within my allowed points. I have been successful with this prior to my pregnancy with my girls.

So now is the moment of truth....the numbers....

Weight:       195.2
Bust:           42 1/2"
Waist:         42 1/2"
Hips:           45 1/2"
Rt. Arm:      12 1/2"
Lt. Arm:      12"
Rt. Thigh:    24 1/4"
Lt. Thigh:    24 1/4"

Pant size: 14
Shirt size: XL

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ready for a change

I am 30 years old and am overweight. I spent the first 22 years of my life being a thin person, at times to the point that it was extremely unhealthy. During my late teens and early 20s, I hardly ate anything. I would go a day or two before I would realize I had not eaten and it would become a game with me to see how long I could go before I didn't feel well or someone noticed at which point I would eat a yogurt or an apple. Having this control over food made me feel good, at times it felt like the only thing I had control of. Towards the end of age 19 and through 20, I was in a bad relationship. It was mostly verbally abusive. He always told me how fat I was and I believed it. I looked in the mirror and saw what I look like now. But if you look at pictures of me from back then, I look like if you touched me I would break, weighing less than 100 pounds. Once I was finally able to break-free from that relationship, I was able to become healthy again, well at least physically, putting on some weight so that I was in the healthy range. I was able to meet someone, fall in love, get married and became pregnant.

I craved cheese through out my pregnancy with my son and put on weight. It took me two years to lose half of the weight I had gained. I then became pregnant with twins and spent a month and a half on bed rest, during which I put on lots of weight. I told myself I was pregnant and it was ok. Besides, I was going to have twins and a three year old so I was bound to lose the weight... I didn't! I had a desk job, I was always tired and I wasn't happy in my marriage. So, I turned to food...when bored, when depressed, when busy, when celebrating. You name it, that was my reason to eat. If I could have made healthy choices it might not have been so bad, but I didn't.

Over the past seven and a half years, I have tried to do different things to lose weight but was never consistent. I am now at my breaking point (I hope!) I am tired of how I feel, how clothes fit, feeling like people look down on me because of my size. I have found the courage to get out of my marriage and to be more assertive in my professional life, I now need to find the courage, strength and determination to lose this weight...to find the skinny girl with higher self-esteem that I know is buried below this fat and become a healthier me! I know I can make this change in my life!